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كلية العلوم
غرفة 2 ب 43 ، الدور الثاني ، مبنى رقم 4 ، كلية العلوم
مقال فى مجلة

المنشورات - أبحاث منشورة

[1] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (1996), “An Improved Approximation for the Shapiro-Wilk Test Statistic for Normality,” Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12(3), 215-230.
[2] Huda, S., and Al-Shiha, A. A. (1998), “Minimax Designs for Estimating the Slope of a Third-Order Response Surface in a Hypercubic Region,” Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Vol. 27, Issue 2, 345-356.
[3] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (1999), “A Multistage Procedure for Detecting Significant Effects in Unreplicated Factorial Designs,” Biometrical Journal, 41, 6, 659-670.
[4] Huda, S., and Al-Shiha, A. A. (1999), “On D-Optimal Designs for Estimating Slope,” Sankhya, 61, Series B, 488-495.
[5] Huda, S., and Al-Shiha, A. A. (2000), “On D-and E-Minimax Optimal Designs for Estimating the Axial Slopes of a Second-Order Response Surface over Hypercubic Regions,” Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol. 29, Issue 8, 1827-1849.
[6] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (2000), “Critical Values and Some Properties of a New Test Statistic for Analyzing Unreplicated Factorial Experiments,” Biometrical Journal, 42, 5, 605-616.
[7] Aboukalam, M. A. F., and Al-Shiha, A. A. (2001), “A Robust Analysis for Unreplicated Factorial Experiments,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 36, Issue 1, 31-46.
[8] Al-Shiha, A. A. (2001), “On Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Experimental Error Variance in Saturated Factorial Designs,” Proceedings of the First Saudi Science Conference, 3, 537-546.
[9] Al-Shiha, A. A., (2001), “Inferences for Saturated Simplex Designs,” Bulletin of International Statistical Institute, the 53rd Session, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2001, Vol. 3, 343-344.
[10] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (2001), “A Multistage Test for Detecting Multiple Outliers in the Normal Case," Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2, 43-63.
[11] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (2001), “The Asymptotic Distribution of Ln,k Test Statistic for Analyzing Nonreplicated Factorial Experiments,” Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, Vol.51, Nos.203-204, pp.205-212.
[12] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Huda, S. (2001), “On E-Optimal Designs for Estimating Slope,” Journal of Applied Statistical Science, Vol. 10, No. 4, 357-364.
[13] Huda, S., and Al-Shiha, A. A. (2001), “On D-Minimax Efficiency of Second-Order Rotatable Designs for Estimating the Slopes,” Journal of Statistical Studies, Vol. 21, 1-12.
[14] Al-Shiha, A. A. (2002), “Inference for Saturated orthogonal Designs for Fitting First-Order Models,” Journal of Applied Statistical Science, Vol. 11, No. 2, 123-131.
[15] Al-Shiha, A. A. (2003), and Huda, S., "Fitted Minimax Designs for Estimating the Slope of a Third-Order Polynomial Model in a Hypercubic Region," Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 19, No. 1, 53-72.
[16] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (2003), “A Method of Testing Interaction in a Nonreplicated Two-Way Classification Experiments." Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, 31-45.
[17] Al-Shiha, A. A. (2005), “Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Experimental Error Variance in Saturated Factorial Designs," Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 2, 139-150.
[18] Al-Shiha, A. A. (2006), "A Comparative Study Evaluating The Asymptotic Distribution of Test Statistic for Analyzing Unreplicated Factorials," Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 22, No. 3, 241-250.
[19] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Aboukalam, M. A. F (2006), "Quick Analysis of Unreplicated Factorial Designs Avoiding Shrinkage Deficiency," Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, Vol 6, No. 1, 35-43.
[20] Al-Shiha, A. A., (2007), "Estimation of Experimental Error Variance in Saturated Factorial Designs," Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, Vol 6, No 3, 284-301.
[21] Al-Shiha, A. A., (2008), "A Goodness of Fit Test for Testing Spherical Symmetry of a Bivariate Distribution ," Journal of Applied Statistical Science, Vol. 16, 2008.
[22] Al-Shiha, A. A., (2008), "Bivariate Symmetry and a Simple Generalization of the Sign Test for Testing Spherical Symmetry of a Bivariate Distribution," Journal of King Saudi University (Science Section), Vol. 21, 227-232.
[23]  Ruba A. Alyafi, Maha A. Omair, and Abdullah A. Al-Shiha (2017), "Durban Watson for Testing the Lack-of-Fit of Polynomial Regression Models without Replications" Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives, Vol. 4, No 11, 165-172.
[24] Maha A. Omair, Abdullah A. Al-Shiha, Ruba A. Alyafi (2019), “Lack-of-fit Testing for Polynomial Regression Models Without Replications”, International Journal of Statistics and Probability; Vol. 8, No. 5, 49-57.
[25] Abdullah Al-Shiha, Ibrahim A. Aldubabe, Khaled Galal, Abdulhadi Al-Shafi, Ayed Al-Shehri, Sarah Al-Suhali, Sarah Al-Dosari (2019) “Statistical Modeling for Climate Matching between Some Saudi Cities and Some Cities in the United States of America”, Research & Reviews: Journal of Statistics, Volume 8, Issue 3, 32-40.

[26] Reham Alamro, Abdullah A. M. Al-Shiha, Amal Almohisen, (2023), “An Approximate Confidence Interval for the Variance of Random Effects of One-Way Analysis of Variance in the Completely Randomized Design”, International Journal of Statistics and Probability; Vol. 12, No. 4, 40-63.

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[1] Al-Shiha, A. A., and Yang, S. S. (1996), “An Improved Approximation for the Shapiro-Wilk Test Statistic for Normality,” Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12(3), 215-230.…