المنشورات مقال فى مجلة Modeling the complex interactions between reformer and reduction furnace in a Midrex-based iron plant, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 90: 1120-1141 (2012). Periodic control of a reverse osmosis desalination process, J. Proc. Contr. 22: 218-227 (2012 مزيد من المنشورات Dynamics of recombinant DNA cultures under time varying feed conditions, Chem. Eng. Commun. 199: 1155-1168 (2012 Study of complex dynamics in pure and simple microbial competition, Chem. Eng. Sci. 80:188-194 (2012 Modeling the complex interactions between reformer and reduction furnace in a Midrex-based iron plant, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 90: 1120-1141 (2012). Periodic control of a reverse osmosis desalination process, J. Proc. Contr. 22: 218-227 (2012