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عبدالباري بن عبدالله العريفي Abdulbari Abdullah Arefi


رئيس وحدتي الارشاد الأكاديمي للطلاب غير المخصصين و خدمة المجتمع و التعليم المستمر

كلية الهندسة
قسم هندسة البترول و الغاز الطبيعي 2ب80

PGE 251 - Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

The first specialized course presented for newly enrolled students of petroleum and natural gas engineering is the course titled “Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering”. This course provides the student with an extensive knowledge covering all areas of petroleum and natural gas engineering necessary for understanding upstream activities. At the end of this course the student will have a complete image about this important engineering field.

This course is designed to provide the students  with the fundamentals of the oil and natural gas engineering activities (upstream) in a simple and concentrated way. Petroleum engineering discipline involves petroleum geology, reservoir rock petrophysics and formation evaluation, reservoir engineering, drilling engineering, production engineering and petroleum and natural gas economics.


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