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الاستاذ الدكتور خالد بن رشيد العديم


مدير لمركز البحوث في الكلية (سابقا)؛ ومدير سابق لبرنامج دكتوراه الفلسفة في إدارة الأعمال في التخصصات:(محاسبة، نظم معلومات إدارية، مالية، تسويق إدارة) في الكلية؛ ومقرر سابق للجنة الدراسات العليا في قسم المحاسبة

كلية إدارة الأعمال
الدور الثاني رقم 161
مادة دراسية

ACCT 611 Development of Accounting Thought

Course Summary
The main aim of the course is to provide students with a forum for discussing the move of accounting thoughts from an accounting paradigm that existed in the age of an industrial economy to an accounting paradigm that fits the economy in an information age. A secondary aim of this course is to explore key issues in contemporary accounting via an analysis of both historical and recent published research in the principal accounting journals.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  • Understand and analyse some of the major contributions of the research literature on contemporary accounting theory and related subjects.
  • Apply the knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and methods to assess the relevance, validity and usefulness of the research literature in the course.
  • Demonstrate the skills required to participate in debates and discussions on academic research in financial accounting, starting from designing relevant questions to leading a discussion.
  • Produce a paper that examines -in a research format- a particular accounting issue.

Main Topics of the Course:

  • Perspectives on the Ontology and Epistemology of Social Reality in Accounting.
  • Survey in Classical and Pre-classical Accounting Thought.
  • Awareness of Counterviews of the Organization of Accounting.
  • Accounting in the Context of Corporate Setting (Corporation).
  • On the Nature of financial Accounting Process.
  • Early Efforts in Theorizing Corporate Reporting.
  • Survey on Theorizing Practiced Accounting.
  • Accounting Research in the Contemporary Era:
  • Empirical Accounting Research.
  • Capital market Research.
  • Positive Accounting Research (PAT).


ملحقات المادة الدراسية