تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. حمدان بن عبدالعزيز العامري

Associate Professor

عضوء هيئة تدريس

تقنيات التعليم
مقال فى مجلة

Learner profiles of attitudinal learning in a MOOC: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study

Alamri, Hamdan . 2017

The aims of the study were to investigate learner profiles in a MOOC focused on attitudinal

learning, Science of Happiness, based on learner self-assessment of “happiness” and relationships

with demographics, attitudinal learning gains and preferred instructional activities.

A sequential explanatory mixed methods design was used in the attitudinal

learning survey. The survey assessed cognitive, affective, and behavioral learning, and was

followed by interviews with 12 participants. Latent profile analysis identified two profiles

based on the differences in the levels and trends of happiness reported by learners during

the 10-week course. Results indicated that MOOC learners described different preferences

for exploratory or instructor-directed instructional strategies. Identified implications for

the instructional design of MOOCs for attitudinal learning included recognizing that MOOC

learners often view MOOCs more as entertainment as opposed to formal education.

Therefore, course length, pace, scope, and difficulty should be considered in this light.

Furthermore, supporting varied learner goals and interests, and instructional preferences

are important. Finally, special consideration must also be paid to the design and facilitation

of course discussions.

نوع عمل المنشور
Research Article
Computers & Education
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