تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. حسين بن عبدالرحمن السلمان

Associate Professor

وكيل الكلية للتطوير والجودة

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
مادة دراسية

CSC 600 Master Thesis

Computer Science Department is one of the largest departments in Computer and Information Sciences College. It was established in 1404/1405. Computer Science field is one of the most important fields in Information and Computer Technology. It includes many areas, including: databases, networks, graphics, artificial intelligence, programming languages, and software engineering. The department has graduated hundreds of students from its BS and MS programs.

Degree Name:

Master of Science in Computer Science (thesis option).

Areas of study:

The graduate program in Computer Science covers the major topics in Computer Science thought to provide the type of student preparation mentioned above.

It is our belief that the department must serve a wide stream of students, which will undoubtedly be coming with varying backgrounds and objectives. For this reason, the program proposed herein has been stretched out to cover most of the important areas of computer science: Computer Networks, Database Systems, Software Engineering, Computer graphics and Human-machine Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, and Programming Languages.



ملحقات المادة الدراسية