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Mohrah Abdullah Alotaibi


Lecturer at the College of Language Sciences

اللغات وعلومها
Building 4

ENG 223: Speech and Academic Debate

Instructions and practice in the art of public speaking are provided, with an emphasis on debate. Students get training to compete in tournaments. 80% of the course focuses on students’ debates of major political and ethical matters in class. Students are taught case-writing, rebuttals, crossexamination skills, analytical thinking, political and moral philosophy.

Course Title

Speech and Academic Debate 

Course Number


Course description

• Practicing the art of public speaking.

• Practicing academic debate.

• Students get training to compete in tournaments.

• Students are taught cross examination skills and analytical thinking.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes as specified in the Course Specifications

• To enable students to develop critical thinking skills.

• To be confident when expressing themselves in different situations and places.

• Engage audience by properly maintaining eye contact.

• Use various tones to capture the audience attention whenever emphasis is needed.

• Enhance their fluency as speakers

• Avoid distractions and be to the point

• To present a topic objectively using the necessary evidence


Stephen Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking. McGraw-Hill, 2004.

course attachements