تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. بدر محسن الحافي

Assistant Professor

رئيس القسم

كلية علوم الأغذية والزراعة
كلية علوم الاغذية و الزراعة المكتب رقم 027
مادة دراسية

مقرر 621 رشد تحديد الاحتياجات Need Assessment

This course is intended to provide graduate students the background to both evaluate published research using need assessment , social sceicne , and how to develop survey, and -- when combined with additional training -- to design their own surveys to collect data for their own research. The course will emphasize how decisions of research design have important implications for the validity, reliability, and quantity of data that will be analyzed to answer key questions in the social, behavioral and health sciences. Through classroom lectures, discussion, and readings, presentations and practical
experience, students will learn

?How to design a survey
?How to develop, evaluate and ask survey questions
?How to conduct self-administered and interviewer administered survey
?The strengths and weaknesses of the primary modes of survey data collection
?How to decrease survey nonresponse
?How to reduce error in survey research
?How to do post-collection survey data processing
?How to conduct survey research with integrity and protect the rights of human subjects

ملحقات المادة الدراسية