تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Ziyad Mohammed Alsaleh

Teacher's Assistant

مادة دراسية

ENG136 General English


Course Description: This course is designed to build high beginning to low intermediate students’ skills.  This is the first of three courses in which students will be required to study throughout their study at the college.  The course aims at providing opportunities for the students to practice the English language in an as natural environment as possible.  The course provides several different real life situations in order for students to implement in their daily lives.  The course is student based, focusing on pair work, group work, classroom discussion and role-playing.


Course Outline:

Week 1               Chapter 1              School life

Week 2               Chapter 2             Experience

Week 3               Chapter 3              Living to Eat

Week 4               Chapter 4              In the Community

Week 5               Chapter 5              Home

Week 6               Chapter 6              Culture

Week 7               Review for Midterm Exam

Week 8               Midterm Exam

Week 9               Chapter 7              Health

Week 10             Chapter 8             Entertainment

Week 11             Chapter 9              Social Life

Week 12             Chapter 10            Customs

Week 13             Chapter 11            Science

Week 14             Chapter 12            Consumer

Week 15             Review for final Exam

Week 16             Final Exam



Headway Plus  John & May Seon Middle East edition

ملحقات المادة الدراسية