تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Zohair Chentouf

Associate Professor

Faculty Member

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Department of Software Engineering, Office 2024
مادة دراسية

SWE 313 Software Process and Modeling

This course aims to provide a comprehensive presentation of the key concepts, modeling techniques, and development methodologies used in object-oriented approaches in software engineering. This includes a review of Object-Oriented concepts and modeling with UML: Structural Modeling, Behavioral Modeling – System architecture design, – User Interface Design – Object Persistence Design - Class and Method Design - Object-Oriented Testing – Unified Process development cycle – Use case analysis – Sequence diagrams – Encapsulation – Inheritance – Polymorphism – Design principles of coupling and cohesion – Design patterns. Students will be also exposed OO case tools, UML Generating tools, standard templates, Quality control and other SWE related standards. Students will participate in a group project on object-oriented software methodologies and modeling using OO case tools.


ملحقات المادة الدراسية