In practice, most of the production systems are not perfect in that defectives are often produced. Even though the maintenance of such imperfect production systems has been studied, the…
Abstract: The effects of an imperfect production process on the optimal production run by assuming that an elapsed time until the process shift is exponentially distributed have been studied. This…
M. A. Rahim and W. I. Al-Hajailan
تم النشر فى:
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
يقوم الطالب بدراسة وصياغة الحل للمشكلة التي تعرف عليها في المقرر 497 بحث، وتقديم تقرير (بحث تخرج) عن إنجازه، وذلك تحت إشراف عضو هيئة تدريس.
المتطلب السابق: 497 بحث
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