تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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د. وليد بن سعد الزامل

Associate Professor

مدير مركز بحوث كلية العمارة والتخطيط

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
مبنى رقم 32 - الدور الثاني - مكتب رقم 2109
تم النشر فى:

Evaluate the Experiences of Governments in Dealing with Squatter Settlements in Middle East "Comparative Analysis of Cases of Squatter Settlements in Egypt"

Alzamil, Waleed S . 2010

Evaluating Squatter Settlements Physical Urban Egypt Middle East

Providing adequate housing for residents has become the main dilemma that many Middle Eastern governments face. Residents are unable to afford the cost of housing due to the prices of construction materials, land prices, and strict laws. Squatter settlements have emerged as a result of government’s failure to provide effective solutions to the housing crisis. Many governments have tried to solve the housing problem by establishing programs for affordable houses, self‐construction, and charity housing, but these alternatives have been ineffective because they frequently did not meet the wishes and needs of the poor residents.

نوع عمل المنشور
Master Thesis
مدينة النشر
نوع الفرضية
Master of Community Planning
مزيد من المنشورات

 أصبحت جودة الحياة من المفاهيم الشائعة في مجال التنمية وصناعة السياسات العمرانية في المدن، وخاصة في عصر التنوع والتعددية الثقافية. التحديات التي تواجه المدن اليوم ليست مقتصرة على تطوير الأنساق…

بواسطة وليد الزامل
تم النشر فى:
وزارة الثقافة

The concept of affordable housing involves many complex variables: housing distribution and rental costs, housing types and quality, household income. Financing policies and households' ability to…

بواسطة Waleed Alzamil, Mubarak Alhajri
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The phenomenon of informal settlement is one of the societal trends to deal with the housing crisis by building housing units on lands that are not suitable for human settlement and in violation…

بواسطة Waleed Alzamil
تم النشر فى:
جامعة باتنة - الجزائر