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TMG Ahsanullah



كلية العلوم
Department of Mathematics, Building 4, Room No. 2B 80


نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

This page is updated on  October 6, 2021

Welcome to my webpage
On this  page, I have posted publication only for the year 2014-2021, for  a complete  list of publications please see my CV,  Section: Research Activities/Publications.
My Reserach Interest: Presently, I am interested to the Applications of category Theory to Convergence groups(probabilistic convergence groups; probabilistic convergence transformation groups - categorical aspects; probabilistic normed linear spaces; approach convergence groups; approach convergence trasnformation groups); Topological groups; Lattice-valued Topological Groups and Convergence Groups; Partial Metric Spaces and their applications to Comupter Science; Quantale - Valued Partial Metric Spaces. Also, intend to look into approximation spaces and rough sets from categorical perspective.
CV is attached on January 16, 2021
COURSES that I have been teaching over the years
Semester I (Autumn): 2021-2022 (29 August, 2021 -  6 January, 2022)
Teaching 5 sections:  2 sections Math 107 and 2 sections Math 244 and 1 section M 204
Lectures: 8.00 - 8.50 AM (STT - 1 3 5); 10-10.50 AM (STT - 1 3 5); 11-11.50 AM (STT - 1 3 5) ; 1-1.50 PM (STT - 1 3 5); 10.00 - 11.50 AM (MW - 2 4)  and 11.00 - 11.50 AM (MW - 2 4).
Semester II: 1441-1421 (2020-2021 January- June, 2021)
Teaching Math 107 (2 Sections) and Math 205 ( 1 Section).
Lecture Hours: SUN/TUES/THURS(10.00 - 11.50 AM);  MON/WEDNESDAY(10.00 - 10.50, 10.00 - 11.50 AM)
OFFICE HOUR: Every day from SUN-THUR from 12.00 - 1.00 (Temporarily Online). By appointment you can make arrangement for discussion.
Semester I: 1442 (31 August- December, 2020)
Teaching 4 groups of Math 107: Matrices and Vectors (Linear Algebra and Calculus)
Semester II: (Session: 1441-1442: January 19, 2020 -  June 15, 2020)

I am  teaching two sections of Math 205 Differential and Integral calculus (for the students of Computer Engineering) and Math 436: Mathematical Logic (for the students of Mathematics) including Tutorial on Math 436.
Office Hour: Sunday,Tuesday, and Thursday: 8.00 AM - 9.00 AM; Monday and Wednesday: 8.00 AM - 11.00 AM. Other time by appointment.
Semester I: (Session:1441-1442 : September 1, 2019 - January 2, 2020)
I am teaching one section of Math 106 and one section of Math 205: Differential and Integral Calculus(for the students of Computer Engineering) and one section of Math 244: Linear Algebra (Mainly for the students of Computer Engineering)
Office Hours: Sun, Tues, Thursday (1 3 5): 8.00 - 9.00 AM;  Monday and  Wednesday: 8.00 - 9.45 AM;  Sun - Tuesday from 12.30  - 1.30 PM
Semester II:(Session: 1439-40, January 6 - May 23, 2019)
I am teaching 2 courses, Math 106(two sections) and Math 240: Liner Algebra with Applications (for the students of Financial Mathematics).
My lecture hours: 8-9 and 9-10(SUN, TUES, THURS); 8-10(MON) and 9-10(WED).
Office Hours: SUN, TUES, THURS: 10 AM -1.00 PM and  8AM - 9 AM (WED)  

Semester I: (Session: 1439-40; September 2, 2018 - January, 2019)
Teaching Math 106(Calculus 2 sections);  Math 240(Introduction to Linear Algebra for the Students of Financial Mathematics).
Office Hour: SUN, TUES, THUR: 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM; MON, WED: 8.00 AM - 12.00 Noon. Other time by appointment
Semester II: (Session: 1438-39; January 21, 2018 - May, 2018)
Teaching Math 106 Calculus (2 Sections) and Math 240 Introduction to Linear Algebra: Applications (for the students of Financial Mathematics)
Office Hours:  SUN/TUES: 9.00 AM - 12.00 Noon; THURS: 9.00AM - 11.00 AM; WED: 8.00AM - 9.00 AM and 10.00 AM - 11.00 AM. 
Semester I: (Session: 1438-1439; September, 2017 - January, 2018)
Taught  Math 106: Integral Calculus (3 Sections) and Math 240(Introduction to Linear Algebra for Financial Mathematics Students). 
MW: Math 106; STT: Math 106 and Math 240.

Office Hour:   Sunday and Tuesday: 8.00- 9.00 AM; 12.00-1.00 PM;.Thursday 8.00- 9.00 AM.
Monday 9.00-10.00 AM and 12.00-1.00 PM;
Wednesday 8.00- 9.00 AM and 11.00 AM- 1.00. PM
Semester II: (Session: 1437-1438; February - June, 2017)
Math 106( two sections): MW [Mondays: 8.00 - 9.50 AM and 11.00 -11.50 AM; Wednesdays: 9.00-9.50 AM and 10.00 - 11.50 AM]
Math 203(One section): STT [Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9.00 -9.50 AM].
Office Hours: Sun/Tues: 8.00 AM - 1.00 PM except 9.00- 10.00 AM (Lecture); Mon: 10.00 - 11.00 AM and Thursday: 8.00- 9.00 AM. For other  time, please make an appointment.
Semester I (1437-38; From September,  2016 - January , 2017)
Math 106: Integral Calculus (2 Sections) and Math 107: Matrices and Vectors (2 Sections)
Lecture Hours: STT(10.00 AM-11.50AM ); MW(Mondays: 9.00AM-9.50AM, 11.00AM-11.50AM; Wednesdays: 8.00AM-9.50AM; 10.00AM-11.50AM)
Office Hours: STT(8.00AM-10.00AM ; 12.10.PM-1.10PM (SMT only);  Mondays: 8.00AM-9.00AM, 10AM-11.00AM. Other times by appointment.
Records on Previous Semesters
Semester II (1436-37;  From January 17, 2016)
Math 5701(Topology and Geometry)
Math 204 (Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems)
Math 203 (Differential and Integral calculus)
Lecture timing: MW (Monday and Wednesday): M204 Grp.: 34763, Monday: 8.00 AM-9.50 AM Wedesday: 9.00 AM-9.50 AM - Lecture Room: 1B26.
STT(Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday): M5701 : Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday: 10 AM- 11.00 AM. Lecture Room: 2B136.
M203 Grp.: 20448 Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday: 9.00 AM-9.50 AM - Lecture Room: 1B48
Office Hour
: Sunday:  8.00 AM-9.00 AM ; Monday: 10.00 AM- 12.00 PM; Tuesday 8.00 AM-9.00 AM and 11.00 AM-12 Noon.  Wednesday 8.00 AM-9.00 AM and 10.00 -12.00 Noon.; 8.00 AM-9.00 AM and 11.00 AM 12.00 Noon. Thursday: 8.00 AM-9.00 AM and 11.00 AM-12.00 AM
Semester 2015 /2016 G (1436/1437 H) (August, 2015- January, 2016):
Teaching Math 204 (Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems) and  Math 107 (Matrices and Vectors).
Lecture Timing: SUN/TUES/THURS: 10 AM - 10.50 AM (M107).  MON: 9.00 AM - 9.50 AM (M 107) and 10 AM - 11.50(M 204) AM;  WED: 8.00AM - 9.50 (M 107) and 10 AM - 10.50 AM (M204).
Office Hours: 8.00 AM - 10.00 AM and 11.00 AM - 1.00 PM (except 11.50 AM - 12.20 PM) on  Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Summer Semester 2015 (June-August): Math 107(Matrices and Vectors)
Semester II (1435-36; 2015) : Second Semester January 25-June, 2015. Teaught Math 106 (Integral Calculus) and Math 107 (Matrices and Vectors)

Semester I   (August 31, 2014 - January 15, 2015) I taught 2 Groups Math 107 and  2 Groups Math 203. Other courses that I taught over the years are arranged in Courses Section.
Semester II (January 26, 2014-June, 2014)

Office Hours and Lecture Timings
SUN: Offce: 8.00 AM-10.00 AM and 11.00 -1.00 PM
TUES: 11.00 AM-12.00 
WED: 8.00 AM-9.00 AM and 11.00 AM-1200
THURS: 8.00 AM-10.00 AM and 11.00 AM-12.00. 
Lectures:  SUN/TUES/THURS: 10.00 AM- 10.50 AM
Lectures: MON:  8.00 AM - 9.50 AM and 10.00 AM - 11.50 AM.
Lectures: WED: 9.00 AM - 9.50 AM and 10.00 AM - 10.50 AM.

Semester I (September 2013-January 2014)
Office Hours and Lecture Timings

SUN, TUES, THUR: 8.00-10.00 AM; Lect.: 10.00-11.50 AM
MON, WED: 8.00-10.00 AM; Lect. 11.00-11.50AM (MON);
WED: 10.00-11.50 AM.

Coordinator:  Math 107 (till second semester 1428/1429)
Member: Topology and Geometry committee
Member: Analysis Committee

Teaching following courses: 
First Semester (1433-34; September-January, 2012-13)

(a) Supervising 2  Ph D student:
Lecture Hour: SUN 12.30-1.30PM
(b) Math 203: Integral Calculus (3 Sections)

Lecture Hours: SAT, MON, WED: 9.00-9.50 AM, 10.00-10.50 AM, 11.00-11.50 AM

Office Hour: 8.00-9.00 AM(SAT-WED); 10.00-12.00(SUNDAYS); 9.00-12.00(TUESDAYS)

Examination Time-Table

Mid-Term I: 23/12/1433H(Thursday, 8.00-9.30AM, November 8, 2012G)

Mid-Term II: 29/01/1434H(Thursday, 8.00-9.30AM, December 13, 2012G)
Final Exam
Math 203: January 8, 2013G; 26 Safar, 1434H
Summer Semester (1432-33; June-August, 2012)
(a) Math 203: Differential and Integral Calculus (Multidimensional Calculus)
(b) Math 204: Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems

Semester II(1432-33) (February 2012-June 2012)
a)  Ph D (Thesis supervision) (2 students)
b)  Math 203: Differential and Integral Calculus
3 credits (3 sections)[ SAT, MON, WED: 8.00 AM-11.00 AM]
Office Hours: SAT, MON, WED: 11.00 AM-1.00 PM; TUES: 9.00AM-1.00 PM.
Semester I (1432-1433) (September 2011-February 2012)
a) M 676 Ph D (course)  (3 credits) [SAT 8.00 AM-10.00AM]; [MON 8.00 AM- 9.00 AM]
b) M 690 Ph D (course)  (3 credits) [SAT 10.00-11.00AM]; [MON 9.00AM-11.00 AM
c) Ph D (thesis)  (1 hour) [MONDAY]
d) Math 107 (Elementary Linear Algebra and Calculus) (3 credits)
Office Hours: Sun and Tues:  9.00-1.00, Wed: 10-12
Semester I (1431-1432)(September 2010-February 2011)
a) Math 106 
b) Math 107
c) Math 700  (Ph D dissertation)

Office hour: SAT, Mon, Wed: 9.00 - 10.00 AM and 12.oo-1.00 PM

SUN: 8.00- 1.00 PM 

Semester II (1431-1432) (February 2011-June 2011)
a)  Math 203
b) Math 674 (Ph D course)
c) Math 675 (Ph D course)
d) Math 700 (Ph D dissertation) 
Summer program (June - August, 2011)
Math 106 (two sections)
Final Exam: Saturday, 20th August, 2011

Semester I (September 2012-January 2013)
Math 203: Multidimensional Calculus (three sections)
Ph D thesis supervision

Semester II (January 2013-June 2013)
Math 203: Multidimensional Calculus (two sections)
Office Hours and lectures
SAT: 8.00-9.00 AM and 11.00-12.00  Lect.: 9.00-11.00 AM
MON: 8.00-9.00 AM and 11.00-12.00 Lect.: 9.00-11.00 AM
TUES: 10.00-12.00 and 1.00-2.00 PM
WED: 8.00-9.00 AM and 11.00-12.00 Lect.: 9.00-11.00 AM.


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المزيد ...


In this paper, we present several characterizations on approach groups, and ultra-approach groups. In doing so, we first give necessary and sufficient conditions for an approach structure to be…

بواسطة T. M. G. Ahsanullah and Fawzi Al-Thukair
تم النشر فى:
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Introducing the notion of probabilistic convergence ring, and probabilistic limit ring, our motivations among others are, to focus at two vital issues, such as, (a) to provide characterization…

بواسطة T. M. G. Ahsanullah and Gunther Jaeger

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


Mathematical Logic 


Introduction to Linear Algebra


Differential and Integral Calculus   

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 12:00 PM _ 12:00 PM _ 12:00 PM _
الى _ 02:00 PM _ 02:00 PM _ 02:00 PM _
الموقع _ 2B 80 Building 4 College of Science 2B 80 Building 4 College of Science _ 2B 80 Building 4 College of Science 2B 80 Building 4 College of Science _ 2B 80 Building 4 College of Science 2B 80 Building 4 College of Science _