Dr. Tayyab Imran is an experimental physicist specialized in ultrashort pulse laser technology. He completed his Ph.D. from the Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea). His doctoral research was focused on the development of high repetition rate chirped pulse amplification (CPA) system and carrier-envelop phase (CEP) stabilization of the amplified laser pulses. His post-doctoral research at Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon, Portugal) was revolved around pulse compression techniques, white-light continuum generation and characterization using amplified laser pulses. Dr. Tayyab has also received his M.Phil. in solid state physics from the Center of Excellence in Solid State Physics, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.
He served LUMS (SSE, Lahore, Pakistan) as an assistant professor for one year where he was involved in teaching and research, his research interests at lums were mostly related to laser engineering and technology.
Development of ultrashort high power lasers bring out new technologies such as laser particle accelerator, fast ignition, relativistic nonlinear optics, and X-ray laser. Furthermore, ultrashort (femtosecond or attosecond) laser pulses can be applied to understand the phenomenon occurring at femtosecond time-scale, such as ultrafast transition of atomic or molecular states and ultrfast chemistry. Propagation of intense ultrashort laser pulses through an optical medium can lead to a nonlinear phenomena called white-light continuum. This phenomena has most fascinating applications, such as nonlinear spectroscopy, microscopy, tunable laser sources, pump probe spectroscopy, seed beam for optical parameter amplifier, and pulse compression. Currently, Tayyab Imran is working on the development and design of femtosecond laser system, white-light continuum generation and compression.
Dr. Tayyab is recipient of several research fellowships, Korea Research Foundation (KRF) doctoral fellowship, Creative Research Institution (CRI) doctoral fellowship, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) post-doctoral fellowship, and Laserlab Europe post-doctoral fellowship.