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أ.د. توفيق بن عبدالله الهويريني


أستاذ واستشاري طب الأعشاب والأمراض المعدية

كلية الصيدلة
2B 68, Building 23
مادة دراسية

Dietary Supplements & Nutraceuticals (431 PHRM)(1+0)

This course is designed to introduce the students to the dietary supplements and nutraceuticals according to evidence-based studies. During this course, the students will acquire a good knowledge about the characteristics, value, pharmacological action, toxicities and the pharmaceutical formulations of vitamins, essential minerals, enzymes, probiotics and other food supplements as well as their clinical implications on the human health. It will focus on recent advances in the vitamins and essential minerals applications. During this course, students will acquire a good knowledge on the new advances in probiotics and food supplements with their pharmaceutically available products, understanding their pharmacological actions and toxicities.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية