Research Methods in Business ADA211
College of Business Administration
Department of Management
Academic Year - (Term 01)
Course Syllabus
Research Methods in Business (211 ADA)
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Sunhat Alotaibi
Room -
To be determined
1. To gain insights into how scientific research is conducted.
2. To help in critical review of literature and assessing the research trends, quality and extension potential of research and equip students to undertake research.
3. To learn and understand the basic statistics involved in data presentation.
4. To identify the influencing factor or determinants of research parameters.
5. To test the significance, validity and reliability of the research results.
6. To help in documentation of research results.
Expected Outcome
1. Ability to critically evaluate current research and propose possible alternate directions for further work
2. Ability to develop hypothesis and methodology for research
3. Ability to comprehend and deal with complex research issues in order to communicate their scientific results clearly for peer review.
Mid term 1 - 15
Mid term 2 - 20
Exercises and Assignments - 30
Research Report (paper) - 15
Final exam 20
Course Outline
- Unit1-
Introduction to Research Methods
Philosophy of Science, Scientific Methods, Code of Research Ethics, Definition and Objectives of Research, Various Steps in Scientific Research, Types of Research
- About research in business (examples)..
- Unit2-
Problem Statement and Hypothesis
Research Purpose – Research Questions; Problem Statement; Variables and Relations in research; Hypotheses Generation and Writing; Design of research
- How to write a research problem and hypothesis
- Unit3-
Research plan and Research methodology
Writing Research Plan
- Unit4-
Data Collection (Survey and Measurement)
Sources of Data: Primary Data, Secondary Data; Measurement and Scales (Operationalization of Variables); Design of Questionnaire- Survey and Experiments – Design of Survey and Experiments
- Writing Questionnaire
- Unit5-
Data Collection (Surveys and Sampling Design)
Survey and Experiments – Design of Survey and Experiments - Sampling Merits and Demerits - Control Observations – Size and Procedures – Sampling Errors.
- Collecting and tabulating data
- Unit6-
Statistical Modeling and Analysis, Time Series Analysis
Probability Distributions, Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis and Inference, Multivariate methods, Concepts of Correlation and Regression, Fundamentals of Time Series Analysis and Spectral Analysis, Error Analysis, Applications of Spectral Analysis
- Introduction to SPSS
- Unit7-
Research Reports
Structure and Components of Research Report, Types of Report, Layout of Research Report, Mechanism of writing a research report
Good Luck for you all