الابنة؛ الاخت؛ الصديقة؛ الزوجة؛ الحبيبة؛ الام؛ الاكاديميه، طبيبة بصريات متخصصه في التقويم الغير جراحي لمشاكل البصر والرؤية المزدوجه والحول وخاصة لدى الاطفال , اهلا بك زائرا عزيزا , امل ان تروق لك المحتويات
إذا رُمْت أن تحيا سليماً من الردَى
ودَينُك مَـوْفُور وَعْرُضك صَيِّنُ فــلا يَنْطِقَنْ مِنك اللســانُ بســــوءةٍ فَـكُلك سَـــــوْءاتٌ وللنَّــاسِ ألْسُـــــنُ وعـــينك إن أَبْدت إليك معـــــــــــايبــاً فدعــها وقل ياعين للناس أعين وعَاشر بمَعْروف وسامِح من اعتدى ودَافِـــع ولكِـن بِالتي هِي أحْـسَنُ
My Vision & My Mission
My vision is for every child to be given every opportunity to see. My mission is to raise the standards of eye care for our children's
visual welfare
My commitment to my patients' eye health is what drives me every day
to provide high quality care and service.
Have Your Children's Eyes Been Examined Every Year?
Detection of eye abnormalities is extremely important in infants and children under age 9 as irreversible vision loss can be prevented before the visual pathways are fully developed.
· However, school eye screenings fail to detect 70% of vision problems in children.
A child may "pass" the screening yet still have problems with near vision and eye coordination skills.
This course is broken down into weeks and each week consists of one in- depth power point lecture, often with additional readings that you will receive in advance. Typically this takes about 2…