مادة دراسية
145 Zoo
مقدمة في علم الحيوان العام بحيث يتناول مواضيع مختلفة كالاتي:
- Prokaryotes
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Eukaryotes (Basics of cell Biology):
- Cell types (Prokaryotes Eukaryotes).
- Cell organelles
- Macromolecules:
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Proteins
- Enzymes and metabolic control
- Movement of materials into and out of the cell (cellular transport)
- Cellular respiration (production of energy)
- Mitotic division
- Meiotic division (and sexual life cycle)
- The chromosomal bases of inheritance
- First low of Mendel
- Second low of Mendel
- The genetic diseases, sex-linked disorders and mutations
- DNA and DNA-replication
- RNA and RNA-transcription
- From gene to protein (RNA translation)
- Cell division (cell cycle)
- Mendel and the gene idea:
- Molecular Biology (information codes and genes):
Chemical signals in animals (endocrine system and hormonal regulation).