International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 20 (8), 8485-8496
نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية
Let me wish you a warm welcome to my official personal website. Here you can find information on my teaching philosophy and research work, supervision, ... ... I am interesting in the chaotic behaviors of economic models such as Cournot and Bertrand models. Studying such models require developing some of the current mechanisms in order to detect such chaotic behaviors. Some of those behaviors are bifurcation and chaos. The steady states of such models are not stable forever due to their depending on some parameters that cause such complex behavior. To deal with those models and investigate their complex behaviors I have published more than220 ISI journal papers with high impact factor (some of them are in the first quarter Q1 according to WEB OF SCIENCE). For more information about my research, readers are advised to follow either my Google scholar or my researchgate given below.