تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Saleh Al Arni

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

كلية الهندسة
2B 67/1
مادة دراسية

Waste Treatment Processes, CHE 437

 Course Materials, see:  https://lms.ksu.edu.sa

The goal of the course objectives will be accomplished through the chapters’ objectives:

Chapter 1: Introduction: General information about the waste management and disposal.

Chapter 2: Sources and classification of wastes

Chapter 3: Effects of waste on the health, safety and environmental.

Chapter 4: Local and international laws, regulations and standards related to waste treatment and management.

Chapter 5: Waste-management hierarchy

Chapter 6: Main processes of disposal

Chapter 7: Industrial solid waste treatment

Chapter 8: Industrial wastewater treatment

Chapter 9: Industrial effluent gas treatment

Chapter 10: Economic impact on waste treatment

The course materials are upload on the LMS at tis link:

Course Materials

ملحقات المادة الدراسية