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ساره محمد عبدالله الطويل



كلية طب الأسنان
second floor, number 13
مادة دراسية

323 SDS Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics

This is the first course offered in Removable Prosthodontics. It consists of the didactic and practical components concered with the procedures involved in the construction of both complete and removable partial dentures. The complete denture course is taught in the first semester where the student learns the basic technical aspect of complete denture construction. in the second semester, the course aquaints the students with the principles and sequence of technical procedures involved in the fabrication of removable partial dentures.
during the course, various excersise that simulate the clinical treatment of the patient are also employed. The course in general is designed to prepare the student to understand the biological. mechanical as well as the esthetic aspect of complete denture and partial denture treatment.  

ملحقات المادة الدراسية