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DR Saad M. Alotaibi د.سعد بن مرزوق العتيبي

Associate Professor

Associate Professor أستاذ مشارك بقسم الإدارة

كلية إدارة الأعمال
مادة دراسية

425 MGT, Course title: Organizational Change and Development

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                          
Course Syllabus
First  Semester 1438-1439
Course prefix:  425 MGT, Course title: Organizational Change and Development
       Credit Hours: 3
Course Schedule: Mon,Wen. (10-11 am) (10-12 am)
Room Assignment: Room 48
Instructor: Dr. Saad Alotaibi
Office Location: 51 
Office Phone: 4674319    Office Hours: SMW (11-12)(12-1)
E-mail: changeod@yahoo.com

  1. Course Description

This course is a three-credit undergraduate level course. The course examines the organization development process, including intervention strategies, and the role of organization development in creating the changes that improve individuals, teams, and
organizations. You should leave the course with a sound understanding science to assess an organization's current state and discover routes for improvement.
2. Course Objectives:
The primary objectives of this course are to provide the student with an understanding Understand the role of organization development in anticipating and effecting change in organizations. (2) Understand and make use of OD as a diagnostic and intervention process, particularly in terms of the roles and styles of the OD practitioner. (3)  Examine the use of the OD process in developing excellence in individuals in a real organization. (4) Examine the use of the OD process in developing high performance teams in a real organization. (5) Examine the use of the OD process in developing success in a real organization. (6) Compose an OD diagnostic (and potentially also implementation) report based upon experience with a real organization, and (7) have improved their own facilitation skills through a team facilitation assignment.
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
· Demonstrate an understanding of organization development and identify the need for change and renewal.
· Analyze organization culture and hypothesize on the behavior of individuals in an organization.
· Analyze the factors contributing to an accelerating rate of change, and make recommendations to enable individuals and groups to cope with change; Role-play an OD consultant.
· Research system parameters and recognize symptoms, problems, and causes to change programs, and recommend strategies that can increase motivation to change.
· Identify the range of 3 major OD intervention techniques and how they may be applied.
 · Compare team problems and why teams may not be operating at optimum capacity. · Contrast organization transformation (OT) in relation to the change process.
Kondalkar, V.G. (2013). Organizational Development, New Age International Limited, Publishers: New Delhi.
Suggested Readings
Cummings, T. G. & Worley, C. G. (2013).Organization development and change (9th edition). Canada: South-Western Cengage Learning IX.
Banks, B.B. & Alban, B. T. (2006) The handbook of large group methods: creating systemic change in organizations and communities. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Beer, M and Hohria, N.(Eds).(2000)Breaking the code of change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Bradford, D.L. &Burke, W. W. (2005). Reinventing organization development: New approaches to change in organizations. Californina: Pfeiffer.
 Brown, D. R. (2011). An experiential approach to organizational development. (8th ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
De Guia, F. (2000). Culture change: key to organization development: A success story. Makati City: Florence de Guia & Associates.
 Fullan, M. (2007). Leading in a culture of change. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Fullan, M., & Ballew, A. C. (2004). Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Gallos, J. V. (Ed) (2006)Organization development: A Jossey-Bass Reader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
 Harrison, M. I. (2005). Diagnosing organizations: methods, models and processes. (3rded). California: Sage Publications.
Hechanova, M. R. M. & Franco, E. P. (2008) Leading Philippine organizationsin a changing world: Research and best practices. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.
Jones, B. B. and Brazzel, M., Eds (2006) The NTL handbook of organization development and change: principles, practices, and perspectives. San Francisco: Pfeiffer
Johnson, S. (2002). Who moved my cheese? United Kingdom: Vermilion
Kotter, J. (1990). A force for change: How leadership differs from management. New York, NY: The Free Press.
 Kotter, J. (1996). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Sjoholm F. &Tongzon, J. (Eds.) (2005).Institutional change in Southeast Asia.London: Routledge Curzon.
Methods of Instruction
                    Course will consist of lectures, class discussion, textbook assignments, students’ presentation, discussion of cases, videos analysis, two tests and final examination.  
                     Have all assigned text reading completed prior to class and be prepared to discuss the chapter topics.

session Topics Assignment
Week1 Foundation of organizational Development Read Ch.1, and Text Questions
Week2 Values, Assumptions and Belief in OD Ch.2 and Text Questions
Week3 Diagnostics Strategies and OD Processes Ch.3 and Text Questions
Week4 Organizational Development Interventions Ch.4 and Text Questions
Week5 Action Research and OD Ch.5 and Text Questions
Week6 Learning Organization Ch.6 and Text Questions
Week7   Consultant-Client Relationship
Test ONE
Test Ch.7 and Text Questions
Week8 Team Building Interventions Ch.8 and Text Questions
Week9 Comprehensive OD Interventions and Inter Group Interventions Ch.9 and Ch10 Text Questions
Week10 Structural Interventions and Training Interventions Ch. 11 and 12 Text Questions
Week11 Management of Organizational Change Ch. 15 and Text Questions
Week12 Test two Test
Week13 Organizational Culture and Climate Ch. 19 and Text Questions
Week14 Future of OD Ch. 20 and Text Questions



   Methods of assessment

             Students are expected to attend all class sessions, participate in all class activities, complete exams as scheduled, and turn in all assignments on time.                                            
You will also work with your study groups to carry out your group project based on the case study.  At the end of your group project your study group will present a brief summary of your analysis of the case.
Grading - Criteria:
The course involves a substantial amount of reading and writing. You are expected to attend every class, to have materials in advance, and to be prepared to discuss them. Attendance will be taken each class and points assessed at the end of the course. Assignments must be submitted on the date due or they will be considered late. Students experiencing problems should contact me prior to or following class to set up an appointment

Item Grade
Discussion and Participation 5
Individual project 5
presentation 5
Two articles summary 5
Test one 20
Test two 20
Final 40
Total 100


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