CLS 431
CLS 431 Clinical Enzymology (1+1)
This course deals with the study of theoretical and practical aspects of chemical structures and actions of various enzymes, their assay methods, and clinical applications in the diagnosis of diseases related to disorders of liver, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, bones or muscles including heart-muscle.
( كلن ٤٣١ علم الأنزيمات الإكلينيكية ( 1 + 1
يعنى هذا المقرر بوصف تفصيلي لآلية عمل الأنزيمات المختلفة وطرق تحليلها في المختبر ، كما يتضمن دراسة تحليلية لمستويات هذه الأنزيمات في الدم من أجل التعرف على الأمراض ذاتالعلاقة بعمل كل من الكبد والكلى والأمعاء والبنكرياس والعظام والعضلات بما فيها عضلة القلب
Course Outline:
CLS 431 Laboratory Schedule
Week Subject
- 1. Determination of Transaminases
- 2. Determination of Creatine Kinase
- 3. Determination of Lactate dehydrogenase
- 4. Determination of Alkalinephosphatase
- 5. Determination of Acid phosphatase
- 7. Determination of gamma-Glutamyl transferase
- 8. Determination of Amylase
- 9. Determination of Lipase
- 10. Determination of G6PD
- 11. Revision
- 12. Final practical Exam
1- Clinical Chemistry: Principles, Procedures, Correlations
By Michael L. Bishop, Edward P. Fody, Larry E. Schoeff - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2005)
2- CLS 431 Practical Booklet.
Exam Model:
Q 1: Fill in the blanks:
- ................... + NADH + H+ LDH .................. + ............
The rate of.............. In concentration of NADH is proportional to the catalytic concentration of LDH present in the sample.
- ................ + ................. ALT ................. + ...................
- ...................+ æ-Ketoglutarate .......... ................. + Oxalacetate
Oxalacetate + NADH +H+ MDH ................... + NAD+