This paper proposes the new three-parameter type I half-logistic inverse Weibull (TIHLIW) distribution which generalizes the inverse Weibull model. The density function of the TIHLIW can be…
In this paper, a new flexible lifetime distribution is introduced by compounding the power Lindley and geometric distributions, called power Lindley geometric distribution (PLG). The proposed…
In this paper, we introduce a new generalization of a class of inverse Lindley distributions called the generalized inverse Lindley power series (GILPS) distribution. This class of distributions…
Course Objectives
To provide the student with the basic concepts and terminology of statistical science, including graphical representation and descriptive measures.
To cover different…
Course Objectives
To provide the student with the basic concepts and terminology of statistical science, including graphical representation and descriptive measures…
هدف هذا المقرر إلى تعريف الطلاب بعلم الإحصاء والأساليب الاحصائية المختلفة في التحليل الاحصائية، وذلك بهدف إكساب الطالب او الطالبه مجموعة من المهارات والخبرات في مجال علم الإحصاء ليتمكن في النهاية…