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الدكتور سلمان بن فريح العميري

Associate Professor

Associate Professor / Biotechnology and Genomics

كلية العلوم
2 أ 18مبنى 5 كلية العلوم
مادة دراسية

BCH 454 – Toxicology & Carcinogens

The aim of this course is to understand the biology of cancer and Carcinogenesis. It also covers the mechanism of Carcinogenesis and classification of carcinogens. It also will look at carcinogenic mutagenesis and how the environmental occurrence and the environmental fate cause human exposure to carcinogens. This course also will introduce students to Fundamental Rules of Toxicology and molecular principles of specific Toxicants related to Molecular Targets.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية