تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Reem Alhammad

Assistant Professor

Assistant professor of Neurology/Neuromuscular specialist

كلية الطب
king khaled university building,3rd floor,department of medicine
مادة دراسية


5th year medical students

At the end of the 441-Medicine course students are expected to:

1)Master the skills of history taking and physical examination.

With the ability to Identify abnormal physical findings.

2)Have a systematic and problem based approach to the diagnosis and management of common medical conditions.

3)Be able to interpret the results of commonly use diagnostic tests.

4)Be able to recognize patients with life threatening conditions & have a safe and organized approach to the diagnosis and management of common medical emergencies.

5)Be able to communicate effectively ,both orally and in writing with patients and other health care professionals

6)Be able to practice student centered learning in his/her free time using available resources.

These objectives will be realized by enforcing the ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT of the medical student in his/her own theoretical teaching and to be an ACTIVE MEMBER of the hospital team managing the patients rather than being merely an observer. Thus, it is not surprising that the bulk of the final assessment of the medical student will depend heavily on HOW ACTIVE the medical student was in the above mentioned tasks.

Recommended Textbooks and References:

1. Ultimate Review for the Neurology Boards,Huber t H. Fernandez,Stephan Eisenschenk,Anthony T. Yachnis,Michael S. Okun

2. The Neurological Examination Made Easy











ملحقات المادة الدراسية