تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Raid Abdullrahman Alakeel


Assistant of Vice President for Educational and Academic Aaffairs

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
College of Applied Medical Sciences, CLS Department

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

This CV represents a Professor in the Health Sciences with a specialty in medical and molecular microbiology within clinical laboratory sciences. The range of influence is national and international across the specialty that has moved to a strategic leadership national role in Saudi Arabia in advising at the highest level of the central government and the national authority for regulation of all the healthcare professional disciplines. This profile is strengthened by vast experience in accreditation of university educational programs. The key essential professional characteristics include integrity, fairness, entrepreneurial astuteness, capacity to lead national projects, accountability for assignments and budgetary commitments, international examining of PhD theses, strategic planning, and organizational strategic advancement. The nucleus that drives professional commitment is developing the next generation of leaders to fulfil the vision of Saudi Arabia and healthcare transformation particularly in the post Covid-19 pandemic era. Finally, the ethical foundation of all professional functions form the basis of a value-centred leadership approach that encapsulates the vision of the future.

المزيد ...


Evaluation of Antibacterial activity of Crude protein extracts from Seeds of six different Medicinal plants against Standard Bacterial strains. Raid Al Akeel, Yazeed Al-Sheikh,…


المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


(Immunology, Mycology & Parasitology) The first part of this course (which will parallel Diagnostic Microbiology-I) will deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of different…


Is to let the student think, work and present his latest research review in front of his classmates and teachers. This will give a good idea about the student level, his ability to give the…


This is a general medical microbiology course intended for students outside the department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences. The structure of the course is based on presenting the fundamentals of…