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Piaoping Yang


Fellow of the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program

كلية العلوم
B 5

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Prof Piaoping Yang, College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering at Harbin Engineering University, P.R. China. Deputy editor of Front. Chem. (IF:5.5), serve on the editorial board of Chinese Chem. Lett. (IF:9.1) and J. Nanomater. (IF:3.79). He has been engaged in the design, synthesis and application of nanofunctional drug carriers for a long time. As the first/corresponding author, he has published more than 400 papers in Chem. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Sci. Adv., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano and other journals, with 35 ESI highly cited papers, which has been cited more than 30,000 times by others. For five consecutive years, he awarded as a highly cited scholar by Clarivate. He has presided over 20 key projects and surface projects of the National Natural Science Foundation. More than 20 inventions were authorized by the state, of which one was transformed. He won the first/second prizes of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Award (Nature category) and second prize in Rare Earth Science and Technology as the first complete person.