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Assistant Professor

Research Scientist in Personalization & Persuasive User Modeling

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Bld 6, Room 38 Al-Daria, KSU-Female Campus
مادة دراسية

IS 525: - Object-Oriented Systems Development - Spring 2012

nUnderstand different methodologies (“philosophies”) to model and develop software systems. Learn a modeling notation (Unified Modeling Language). Learn different modeling methods:

  • Functional modeling
  • Object modeling
  • Dynamic modeling

Definitions of Class and Object, Key characteristics of Object-Oriented (OO) method. Object-Oriented project life cycle, Mixing of methodologies in an OO project. Managing OO projects, OO software reuse, Critical success factors for OO software projects. OO analysis, OO design, CASE for OO . Understand how to manage with a  software lifecycle.


- Required: Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design

Noushin Ashrafi  Hessam Ashrafi ISBN-10: 0131824082
ISBN-13:  9780131824089 Publisher:  Prentice Hall
Copyright:  2009

- Optional: ¨Jim Arlow,  Ila Neustadt. (2005). UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, 2/E.  Addison-Wesley Professional

ملحقات المادة الدراسية