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نايف سعيد فنيس

Assistant Professor

أستاذ مساعد واستشاري جراحة أورام الرأس والعنق وجراحات الترميم المجهرية المتقدمة | استشاري جراحة تجميل الوجه وتأهيل العصب السابع

كلية الطب
مستشفى الملك خالد الجامعي وكلية الطب
ملحق المادة الدراسية


المقرر الدراسي


ORL431 / اذن431

1.The number of constrictions in the external auditory canal is:

A. One

B. Two *

C. Three

D. Four

2.The part of external auditory canal which is difficult to see is :

A. Bony

B. Cartilaginous

C. Meatal recess *

D. Roof

3.Fissures of santorini are present in:


A. External ear *

B. Middle ear

C. Inner ear

D. None of the above

4.External ear is supplied by :


A. Vth nerve

B. Glossopharyngeal nerve

C. Vagus nerve

D. Branches from cervical plexus

E. All of the above *

5.External auditory canal receives blood supply from all the arteries except:


A. Posterior auricular

B. Superficial temporal

C. Facial *

D. Maxillary


6.Lymphatic drainage of pinna goes to:


A. Parotid node *

B. Retroauricular node

C. Superficial cervical node along external jugular vein

D. All of the above

7.What applies to pars flaccida?

A. Also known as shrapnells membrane

B. Bony annulus is absent

C. Cartilaginous annulus is absent

D. Medial to it lies notch of Rivinus

E. All of the above *

7.Tegmen tympani is formed by:

A. Petrous part

B. Squamous part

C. Both of the above *

D. Mastoid part

9. glossopharyngeal nerve enters the middle ear through:


A. Roof

B. Floor *

C. Anterior wall

D. Posterior wall


10. Internal carotid artery comes in relation of which wall of the middle ear?


A. Anterior wall *

B. Roof

C. Floor

D. Posterior wall


11. Position of the pyramid in relation to adutus is:


A. Superior

B. Inferior *

C. Medial

D. Lateral


12. Processus cochleariformis contains:


A. Basal turn of cochlea

B. Tensor tympani tendon *

C. Stapedius tendon

D. Apex of the cochlea


13. Swallowing movements open the Eustachian tube through:


A. Tensor tympani muscle

B. Tensor palati

C. Levator palati *

D. All of the above


14. Central axis of cochlea is known as:


A. Spiral lamina

B. Modiolus *

C. Processus cochleariformis

D. Crus commune