تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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نوف خضر محمد الشيباني

Associate Professor

أستاذ مساعد

كلية طب الأسنان
GUC, Building 10, 2nd floor, Office no. 6
مادة دراسية

313 PCS

As provided by the Course Director: (This course consists of a didactic, pre-clinical and clinical components. It will cover the following:

1. The Periodontium in health.

2. The etiology, the pathogenesis, and the diagnosis of periodontal disease(s).

3. Principles and techniques of disease prevention therapy.

4. Instrumentation, knowledge and practice of periodontal instruments.

5. Examination, diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment of patients with early periodontal diseases.

CREDIT HOURS: 4 credit hours

SYNOPSIS OF GOALS: At the end of this course the student should be able to present:

1. A record including a history, examination of the oral tissues and develop diagnosis, discuss prognosis and make treatment plan followed by discussion with clinical supervisors.

2. Motivate and instruct a patient in oral prophylaxis.

3. Distinguish between healthy and diseased periodontium.

4. Identify plaque and calculus (supra and subgingival) and know how to remove it.
5. Use and care of instruments with rationale.


In this part, all students must complete the clinical exercises on patient management clinical examination and periodontal instrumentation. From week # 6 till the end of the first semester, the preclinical session will be from ( 2:00-3:00 MUC) only, then from ( 3:00 – 4:45 MUC) student will work on their patients.

Week #



Demonstration of bleeding index and Plaque index (Sillness & Löe).on a volunteered student using upper and lower anterior teeth. Students will apply both indices on the colleagues on both upper and lower arches


Demonstration of intraoral examination & probing


Demonstration of radiographic examination


Demonstration diagnosis.


Demonstration of prognosis &. treatment planning


Patient’s motivation


Demonstration of different brushing techniques on models. Demonstration on models, how to use the different types of internal aids.


Introduction to Periodontal Kit


Introduction to Instrument


Instrument and sharpening


Sonic Instruments


This part will involve the treatment of patients with gingivitis and early periodontitis. Upon completion of this part, the student should be able to:

1. Recognize and discuss the etiology, diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis for mild/early periodontal diseases.

2. Diagnose, make a treatment plan and carry out treatment of patients, involving routine preventive care and non-surgical periodontal treatment to patients with gingivitis and mild periodontitis as well as accurately interpret and evaluate the results of treatment rendered.

Clinical sessions are assigned to practice on patients with early periodontal disease(s).


Students must satisfactorily complete the following requirements:

1. Finish at least six (6) clinical cases:

· Two oral hygiene cases in which the student get the confidence of diagnosing patients, practice of periodontal probing, patient education, oral hygiene instructions and polishing. No instrumentation is allowed in those two cases.
It is a must for the student to a finish those two cases by end of first semester.
Hygiene cases will not be counted as part of the requirement during the second semester.

Three cases of gingivitis and/or early periodontitis in which the student can practice scaling and root planing, by both hand instrument and sonic scalers.

One reevaluation case.

2. It is expected that the student will perform satisfactorily in both the clinical and the written components of the course.

3. Regular and prompt attendance in the lectures and clinical sessions.

4. Complete and methodical record keeping of all patients is needed.

5. Completion of the clinical requirements is needed with the acceptable level of clinical skills and quality of work.


Final mark will be calculated as following:

I. Clinical Evaluation

1. Oral/clinical Examination 10%
2. Routine Clinical Evaluation 40%
3. Behavior/professionalism 10%
Total 60%

II. Written Examination

1. Mid-year examination 15%
2. Final examination 25%
Total 40%

Clinical grading will be only in the categories of preparation, professionalism, knowledge and management of the patients).

Examples for Test Questions

Which of the following provides the lowest level of evidence in clinical practice:
a. Case Control Study
b. Cohort Study
c. Randomized Controlled Trial
d. Case Report
e. Animal studies

ملحقات المادة الدراسية