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ملحق المادة الدراسية

Medication history

المقرر الدراسي

Lab 1

Medication history Part 1


At the end of this activity the student should be able to:

  1. Understand case component (CC, HPI, PMH, FH, SH, MH, Allergy, ROS, Physical examination, Laboratory Tests, Diagnostic tests).

  2. To complete/ conduct medication history from relative or a friend.

  3. Understand step for taking medication history (form).



Introduction to the lab:

Give a power point presentation about a review of basic clinical skills.

Student work:

Each student should have already completed a medication history from a friend or relative written in the medication history data collection form see Appendix 1

Group discussion:

Discuss the medication history obtained by the student (highlight the strong and weak points)

At the end of the lab the student should submit the completed form to the facilitator.