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Dr. Nawwaf Khalid A Al-Hamoudi د. نواف خالد عبدالرحمن الحمودي

Assistant Professor


كلية طب الأسنان
College of Dentistry, First Floor
مادة دراسية

PCS 413 Clinical periodontology II

Course Description: This course consists of a didactic and clinical component with four credit hours. It will cover:
1)The treatment of different types of periodontal diseases.
2) The interrelation between periodontics and related dental specialties.
3) Introduction to the surgical approaches in the management of moderate to advanced periodontal diseases.
4) Surgical implant procedures and maintenance of implant.
5) Communication, presentation and writing skills development.
6) Introduction to evidence based and problem based learning.

Clinical Components: This second part will involve the treatment of patients with different types of periodontitis. Upon completion of this part, the student should be able to:
1) Discuss the etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning for different types of periodontal conditions including the surgical treatment needed.
2) Carry out treatment of patients involving routine preventive care and non-surgical periodontal treatment to patients with early and severe forms of periodontal disease as well as accurately interpret and evaluate the results of treatment rendered.
3) Basic surgical procedures such as gingivectomy, different periodontal flap surgeries and crown lengthening procedures.
4) New regenerative techniques such as bone regeneration and tissue regeneration will be demonstrated.

Clinical Requirements: Students must satisfactorily complete the following requirements:
1. Finish at least 6 clinical cases: One generalized periodontitis case with slight/ moderate amount of subgingival calculus or systemic factors case either gingivitis or periodontitis. One generalized periodontitis case with moderate to severe amount of subgingival calculus and/or systemic factors. One surgical case either a surgical procedure for restorative purposes (e.g crown lengthening) or a conventional periodontal surgical procedure (e.g. Open debridement or modified widman flap) or implant fixture placement. Re-evaluation cases (student’s own finished cases) for the moderate and the severe cases only (i.e. no gingivitis or early periodontitis). One recall and maintenance case (previously treated cases by the student or any of her colleagues). Case presentation based on evidence based learning and/or problem based learning. One recall and maintenance case (previously treated cases). Any additional case beyond requirement will be considered in your clinical grading as bonus.
2. It is expected that the student will perform satisfactorily in both the clinical and written components of the course.
3. Regular and prompt attendance in the clinic.
4. Complete and careful record keeping of all assigned patients.
5. Completion of the clinical requirements
Required text book
Michael G. Newman, Henry H. Takei, Fermin A. Carranza,( editors)  Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 11th edition

ملحقات المادة الدراسية