تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Nora Abdullah Alkhudair

Associate Professor

Clinical Pharmacy department

كلية الصيدلة
Girls Campus, Building 8, 3rd floor, office #96
مادة دراسية

328 PHCL

Introdcution to Poison & Information Services    

Course Description and Prerequisites

This course explores the fundamental aspects of drug information. It is designed as an introductory course to teach the student the basic principles of drug information pertaining to retrieval, evaluation and communication skills. In addition, the course should help students not only to understand the types of drug information available but also what sources of information are appropriate to use in a variety of situations.


Prerequisite: PHCL 311 (Pharmacy Practice)

Course Objectives:


Upon successful completion of this course, student should be able to:



Identify and list different types of information resources available.


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the tertiary, secondary, and primary literature.


Develop critical understanding of the strengths and limitations of these resources (scope, type of information, arrangement, method of access, structure, and application of frequently used drug information tertiary resources.)


Understand the different secondary databases, the search strategy and article citation and retrieval process involved.


Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computerized information databases


Understand and differentiate the type of information cited in a biomedical journal (original article, review article, case report, editorial, etc)


Conduct a systematic search of the tertiary, secondary, and primary literature in order to retrieve appropriate drug information to answer a specific request


Evaluate online drug information sites for appropriateness and quality.


Formulate a drug information response based on the requestor’s level of understanding


Develop sufficient communication skills through verbal and written activities


Demonstrate sufficient skills to perform appropriate calculations.


List literature resources utilized to manage topic specific questions (poison, herbal, pregnancy, evidence-based medicine, etc)


List other activities performed by drug information pharmacist (drug evaluation, DUE, ADR reporting, DI newsletter, etc

Textbook(s) & Learning Resources



Required (textbook is available in University bookstore). If not photocopy of selected chapter will be made available.


Malone PM et al. Drug information: a guide for pharmacists. 3rd ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008. (http://books.mcgraw-hill.com/medical/druginfo/ )


Galt KA: Clinical skills program drug information series, module 1. Analyzing and recording a drug information request. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Hospital Pharmacists; 2000. (Copies of the required chapters are available).




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