تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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منى شجاع الحربي

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد

كلية العلوم
bulding 5 , third floor, office No. 282
مادة دراسية


This course is designed for the undergraduate Biochemistry program. It is a field experience course, with a focus on hands-on research, involving a total of 2 credit hours, though it includes practical experience for 14 weeks.

The course aims to develop students' abilities to conduct research, critically analyze scientific literature, evaluate research findings, and draw logical conclusions based on evidence. Students are expected to design, execute, and analyze experiments, present their results, and develop solutions to real-life biochemical problems.

Key assessments include:

-Laboratory reports and execution of experiments (60% of the total marks).

-Final report writing (20%).

-Oral examination (10%).

-Poster presentation (10%).

ملحقات المادة الدراسية