مادة دراسية
Pre-Clinical Removable Prosthodontics - SDS 323
Pre-Clinical Removable Prosthodontics - SDS 323
- Course title and code: 323 SDS Pre-Clinical Removable Prosthodontics
- Credit hours: Four (2L+2P)
- Level/year at which this course is offered: Third Year Students
- Pre-requisites for this course (if any) 212 SDS Course
- Upon completion of this course the graduating student should be able to:
- Demonstrate sound knowledge of the biological and technical aspects of complete and removable partial dentures and their integration with the clinical procedures which will be taught in the succeeding clinical prosthodontic courses.
- Apply all the laboratory procedures related to the construction of complete dentures.
- Identify and describe the various components of a removable partial denture.
- Illustrate the basic knowledge of how to design a removable partial denture framework.
- Apply the basic laboratory procedures related to the construction of the removable partial denture.
- Identify the different materials, instruments and devices involved in the construction of complete dentures and removable partial dentures as well as their uses.