IE434/IE438 Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
The objective of the course is to provide the students with the fundamental concepts, the necessary
knowledge and the basic skills related to systems reliability and systems maintenance function. The
course intends to expose the students to the concept of reliability and to help them learn the
techniques of estimating reliability and related characteristics of components/ systems. Moreover, it
exposes them to the necessary engineering techniques used for analyzing, planning and controlling
maintenance systems
Recommended Books:
Planning and Control of Maintenance Systems: Modeling and Analysis, Duffuaa; A. Raouf and
J. Campbell, John Wiley & Sons, (1999).
An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering, by C. E. Ebeling, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books:
Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering , Mohamed Ben-Daya ,Salih O.
Duffuaa , Springer-Verlag London Limited (2009)
Course Description:
Introduction to maintenance function and types of maintenance, introduction to the concept of
reliability, failure distributions, reliability characteristics, estimation of system reliability both for the
independent and dependent cases, maintenance workload analysis and calculations; capacity
planning of maintenance resources; maintenance works scheduling; maintenance audit and the measurement of maintenance works performance; computerized maintenance management
systems (CMMS).
Course Outline:
1. Maintenance function and objectives
2. Types of maintenance
3. Introduction to the concept of reliability
4. Failure distributions
5. Constant Failure Rate Model
6. Time-Dependent Failure Models
7. Systems Reliability
8. Systems Maintainability
9. Maintenance workload analysis
10. Maintenance resources planning
11. Maintenance works scheduling
12. Maintenance performance measures
13.Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) (MAXIMO)
Learning outcomes
1. Understand the maintenance function and its objectives and know how to prepare report
about the maintenance function [a]
2. Gain the necessary knowledge about the types of maintenance and know how to use them
when design maintenance systems [a]
3. Gain the necessary knowledge about failure distributions and apply failure analysis
techniques [a, k]
4. Estimate components reliability both for the independent & dependent cases as well as
related characteristics [k]
5. Estimate systems reliability both for the independent & dependent cases as well as related
characteristics and design systems for better reliability [c, k]
6. Estimate systems maintainability as well as related characteristics and design systems for
better maintainability [c, k]
7. Understand and apply different methods of maintenance workload analysis [k]
8. Gain the necessary knowledge about the maintenance resources planning and apply various
planning techniques [a, k]
9. Know different ways for scheduling maintenance works and know how to use them [k]
10. Gain the necessary knowledge about maintenance performance measures and apply various
maintenance performance techniques [k]
11.Understand the computerized maintenance management systems and learn how to use
MAXIMO Software by conducting term project [g, k] Lab & Term project
Group projects on real life maintenance system - Students are asked to use the MAXIMO software in
their projects.
ABET Outcomes Explained
a Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, statistics, basic sciences, and
engineering to work professionally in industrial systems.
c Ability to identify design problems, to design a system, component or process
to meet desired needs that may include issues related to manufacturability,
reliability, quality, environment, health and safety, ethics and society.
g Ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing.
k Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice.