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د.منيره جارالله القحطاني Dr. Moneerah J. Alqahtani

Assistant Professor

Faculty member

كلية الصيدلة
Building 8, B-15
مادة دراسية

PHRM 452: Herbal Cosmeceuticals

The course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge regarding cosmeceuticals derived from natural sources. This course will inform the students about the value of natural products in cosmeceuticals used, or could be used, in the market. The course will critically discuss the botanical, ethno-pharmacological, phytochemical, and molecular aspects of plant active ingredients of cosmetic relevance. Along with dermatological and cosmetic uses, toxicological aspects are also treated in this course, maintaining a balanced view and dissecting hype from solid science. In addition, students will learn about the cosmeceuticals principle and classifications according to their source such as botanicals, nutraceuticals, marine sources and other sources, and actions such as antioxidants, bionic acids, retinoid cosmetics, muscle relaxants, dermal fillers, growth factors, topical enzymes, tyrosinase inhibitors. The course also covers special approaches in cosmetic dermatology and natural products role like wound healings and scars, anti-aging regimens, cosmetic approach in patients with acne and rosacea, and cosmetic approach for healthy and damaged hair and nails.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية