مختصة في الاتصالات الصحية و خلفيتي في الطب البشري. مهتمة بتقاطع الصحة مع التقنية الرقمية و وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.
مهتمة بمواضيع الرضاعة الطبيعية و اكتئاب ما بعد الولادة
A health communication specialist with a medical background. I am interested in the intersection of health with digital technologies and social media.
I am interested in the areas of breastfeeding and post partum depression.
Advanced course for the Saudi Board of Family Medicine third year senior residents. It teaches various public health topics using lectures, discussion sessions, and practicals.
I taught "…
A course consisting of lectures, seminars (flipped classrooms), and practical tutorials that give an introduction to basic concepts and topics in community medicine. The course covers main…
. A combination of theoretical lectures and practical tutorials on research methodology and biostatistics
Through out the course students apply what they learn by conducting a full medical…