عمليات إنتقال الحرارة Energy Transport Operations
CHE : 317: Heat Transfer Operations
Catalog Data: (3Credit hours-4 contact hours)
Consideration of thermal energy transfer problems which occur in the Process industry. Conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer with change in phase , heat exchange equipment and their design.
Prerequisite : CHE202,CHE 315
C.J.Geankoplis ,” Transport Processes and Unit Operations,Allyn and Bacon, 2nd ed., Newton, 1983.
- F.kreith and M.S Bohn,”Principle of Heat Transfer “ , PWS Pub. company, 5th ed., Boston ,1997.
- W.H.McAdams, “Heat Transmisssion”, McGraw-Hill Book (Japan) 3rd ed,17th printing, 1983.
- J.M. Coulsin and R.k. Richardson, “chemical Engineering”, vol. II, Pergamon press, 1983.
To familiarize the students with basic modes of heat transfer, appreciate the physical principles and basic concepts underlying the transfer of heat by conduction, convection and radiation. To present the methodology required to solve problems to be encountered in actual practice, To introduce the student to the design of heat exchange equipment, familiarizing the student with the concept of temperature measurement equipment, fins and heat pipe.
Topics to be covered:
- Introduction and mechanisms of heat transfer (2 classes).
- Steady state heat transfer by conduction. (8 classes)
- Individual coefficients of heat transfer, overall coefficients, scale resistance, mean temperature difference for parallel, counter-current and mixed flow arrangements. (6 classes).
- Heat Transfer correlation in convection (development by dimensional analysis) and its different forms for different actual situation such as heating and cooling inside tubes in turbulent, transition and laminar flow, heating and cooling outside tubes and tube bundles, heat transfer in agitate vessels. (6 classes).
- Natural convection . (6 classes).
- Radiation through non- absorbing and absorbing media. (3 classes).
- Application to heat exchange equipment design. (5 classes).
- Tests: (3 classes)
Class requirements:
- Homework assignments.
- Two in class tests.
- Final Exam.
Computer usage: none
Laboratory Projects : none
Project: Design of a double pipe heat exchanger.
Assessments of course goals:
Through homework and exam grades (Homeworks 10%, Tests 40% and inal Exam 50%).
Contribution to course goals
1.Engineering Science : 2 Cr. Hrs.
- Engineering Design : 1 Cr. Hrs.
- Mathematics or Basic Science : ---- credits