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Mhamed Eddahbi



كلية العلوم
Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, King Saud University, Building 4, second floor, Office Nu. 2B65, PO. Box 2455 Riyadh, Z.C. 11451



List of students of the Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Program at KUS Mathematics…

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

Personal website of Pr. Dr. Mhamed Eddahbi

المزيد ...


In this paper, we considered a stochastic model of chemical reactive flows acting through porous media under the influence of nonlinear external random fluctuations, where the interchanges of…

بواسطة Mhamed Eddahbi, Mogtaba Mohammed, and Hammou El-Otmany
تم النشر فى:
AIMS Mathematics

In this study, we explore backward stochastic differential equations driven by a Poisson process and an independent Brownian motion, denoted for short as BSDEJs. The generator exhibits logarithmic…

بواسطة E. M. B. Bouhadjar, N. Khelfallah, M.Eddahbi
تم النشر فى:

The predominant approach for studying volatility is through various GARCH specifications, which are widely utilized in model-based analyses. This study focuses on assessing the predictive…

بواسطة B. Benaid, I. Al Hasani, M. Eddahbi
تم النشر فى:

المواد الدراسية
المزيد ...


ACTU 372 Bachelor: Actuarial Mathematical models I ACTU 472 Bachelor: Actuarial Mathematical models II ACTU 474 Bachelor: Risk theory ACTU 498 Bachelor: Training…


ACTU 372 Bachelor: Actuarial Mathematical models I ACTU 472 Bachelor: Actuarial Mathematical models II ACTU 474 Bachelor: Risk theory ACTU 498 Bachelor: Training Field…


MATH 700 Dissertation (Ph.D.) ACTU 372 Bachelor: Actuarial Mathematical models I ACTU 472 Bachelor: Actuarial Mathematical models II ACTU 474 Bachelor: Risk theory ACTU…

الساعات المكتبية

Saturday الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة
من _ 07:00 AM 08:00 AM 07:00 AM 08:00 AM _ _
الى _ 07:55 AM 10:00 AM 07:55 AM 10:00 AM _ _
الموقع _ Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences _ Office 2B65, Building 4 Flor 2, College of Sciences _