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الدكتور مساعد بن علي الحدب الشمري

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية الصيدلة
Building 23, Second floor, Room 1A 96, 2B 100, 2B 109, Lab 2B 107/83/64



افتتاح وحدة الابتكار في كلية الصيدلة…

نبذة تعريفية / مختصر السيرة الذاتية

مساعد بن علي الحدب الشمري

دكتوراة في علم الأدوية العصبية، مهتم بأبحاث الأمراض العصبية والنفسية

PhD. in Neuropharmacology, Interested in Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology and Neuroelectrophysiology of Psychiatric Disorders


Identify the best therapeutic intervention for neurological and psychiatric disorders using translational approaches including, genetically and pharmacologically diseased-based animal models.

My goals

Understand the biology of pathological dysfunctions in brain disorders such as depression, autism, anxiety, pain, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, Alzheimer, and epilepsy.

Identify a biological link between CNS disorders and metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Characterize signaling pathways critically involved in brain disorders.

Identify a potential biomarker and drug target / examine these drug targets.

Area of Research

Currently, my work centers on understanding the role of the molecular mechanisms underlying adult neural stem cells development in the adult mammalian brain. I am interested in identifying a novel regulator of adult neurogenesis that may be the key molecule in the pathogenesis of major neuropsychiatric disorders


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