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د.محمد بن صقر الحازمي

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
قسم البصريات- مبنى 24 الدور الثاني مكتب 2103
ملحق المادة الدراسية

نماذج أسئلة

المقرر الدراسي

1.         All of the following may cause a patient’s phoria to decompensate (become manifest)
A.  Aniseikonia   B.  Uncorrected refractive errors   C.  Amblyopia   D.  Fatigue          
2.         One of the following about Intermittent Near Exotropia is not true.
            A.  Usually occurs with onset of myopia or presbyopia      
B.  Corrected visual acuity is usually equal    
C.  AC/A ratio is usually high
D.  Level of convergence is poor or absent   
3.         One of the following rectus muscles has no secondary or tertiary action and is innervated by the Oculomotor nerve.
            A.  Medial Rectus   B.  Superior Oblique   C.  Lateral rectus   D.  Inferior Rectus        
4.         Surgical over-correction of exotropia will lead to:
            A.  Consecutive Exotropia   B. Normosensorial Esotropia  C.  Nystagmus-block Esotropia    D.  None of the preceding options
5.         A condition in which there is BSV for distance but esotropia at near, and in which there is a high AC/A ratio; is called:
            A.  Constant Accommodative Esotropia   B.  Intermittent convergence-excess esotropia 
C.  Intermittent near esotropia                  D.  Intermittent fully-accommodative esotropia  
6.         A condition in which there is BSV for distance but esotropia at near (even when accommodative effort is relieved), and in which the AC/A ratio is normal; is called:
            A.  Constant Accommodative Esotropia   B.  Intermittent convergence-excess esotropia 
C.  Intermittent near esotropia                  D.  Intermittent fully-accommodative esotropia  
Theory Section (Answer Both Questions)
1)         What is the difference between an alternating hypophoria and a normal hypophoria?
2)         Discuss the Investigation (presentation) of the type of esotropia which is present under all conditions and increases when accommodation is exerted.