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Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس (النقد والنظريات النقدية والأدب المقارن)

اللغات وعلومها
89 AA
مادة دراسية

ENG 534 Topics in Literature: Survey of Saudi Literature

This course examines the origin and development of Saudi literary tradition from the 18th century to the present. A range of literary texts of different genres will be studied to familiarize students with major trends and movements and representative writers. The cultural, historical, social, religious, and political forces that have shaped the literature of this period will also be explored.

Weekly Syllabus

Week Topic
First Response Paper
Saudi Literature before and during the unification of Saudi Arabia (1745-1932)
Readings on:
The first Saudi nation (1745-1811)
The second Saudi nation (1818-1891)
The third Saudi nation (1902-present)
The Hijazi Liberal Party (1928-1935),
Ikhwan movement (1926-1934)
Historical, Political, Religious Texts
Awad, Mohammed H. خواطر مصرحةThoughts Declared (1926).
Taha Hussein: The Literary Life in the Arabian Peninsula (1935)
Hamza Shehata: “الرجولة عماد الخلق الفاضل” or “Manhood is the Essence of Worthy Ethics,” (1940)


Abdualjabbar, Abdullah. Modern Literary Trends in the Heart of the Arabian Peninsula (1959).
Poetry—Selections of poems:
Ali Alsonousi (1897-1944), Suliman bin Sahman (1852-1930),
Ahmed Ibrahim Alghazawi (1901-1981).
Hussain Seraj (1912-2007),
 Mohammed Hassan Awad (1902-1980),
Mohammed Saeed Alamoudi (1905-1991).
Abdulaziz Alrifai (1923-1993),
Husain Sirhan (1916-1993),
Ibrahim Hashim Falali (1906-1974),
Ahmed Alqandeel (1911-1979),
Hassan Alqorashi (1927-2004),
Ahmad Abduljabbar (1921-present),
Muqbel Alesia (1927-present),
Mohammed Saeed Almsslam (1922-1994), Mohammed Hassan Faqi (1914-2004),
 Mohammed Amir Alroumieh (1930-1980), Mohammed Alkhunaizi (1925-present),
 Mohammed Hassan Awad (1902-1980)
 Prince Abdullah Alfaisal (1921-2007)
Realism: (social, revolutionary, patriotic, and national poetry)
Social poetry:
Majed Alhussaini (1924-1999),
 Mohammed Hassan Faqi (1914-2004).
Abdussalam Hashim Hafez (1928-present),
Mohammed Hassan Awad (1902-1980),
Ahmed Alattar (1918-1991),
Mohammed Seraj Karraz (1921-present),
Ahmed Alarbi (1915-1999).
Revolutionary poetry:
Ahmed Abdullah Alfasi (1921-1993),
Hamza Shehata (1911-1972),
Ali Hassan Ghasal (1924-199?)
Abdulrahman Almansour (1920-2008).
Patriotic poetry:
Hamza Shehata (1911-1972)
Ali Hassan Ghasal (1924-199?).
National poetry:
Ahmed Ibrahim Alghazawi (1901-1981),
Abdullah Omar Balkhair (1912-2002),
Ahmed Alqandeel (1911-1979),
Taher Zamakhshari (1906-1987),
Mohammed Saeed Almsslam (1922-1994),
Ibrahim Foudah (1924-present),
Ibrahim Hashim Falali (1906-1974)
Hussein Fatani (1916-1991).
Muḥammad Althubayti
Ali Aldomani
Jassim Alshiah
Second Response Paper
Female Poets:
Selections of poems from : Sarah Alazwari: An Anthology of Female Poets in Saudi Arabia: Biography and Texts.(2011)
Sultana Alsudairy (1940-present), often recognized as the first Saudi female poet,
Thoria Qabel (1940-present),
Princess Jawahir bint Saud bin Abdulaziz Alsaud or Qadat Alsahra (1945-2001)
Fouzieh Abu Khaled (1956-present),
4 The Rise of the Novel: 1930-1980
Mansour Ibrahim Alhazmi :  The Art of Fiction in Modern Saudi Literature (1981)
Sultan Alqahtani: The Novel in Saudi Arabia: Emergence and Development 1930-1989: An Historical and Critical Study (1994).
Abdulqadoos Alansari: التوأمان  or The Twins (1930)
Mohammed Ali Almaghrabi: Resurrection or البعث (1948)
Third  Response Paper
Hamid Aldemnhori,. ثمن التضحية  or Price of the Sacrifice (1959)
Samira Khashoggi:  ودعت آمالي or Farewell to My Hopes (1959)
            6 Second Phase of the Saudi Novel: 1980-2000
Abdulaziz Alsaqabi رائحة الفحم  
Galib Hamza Abu Alfaraj لا شمس فوق المدينة
Ghazi Algosaibi شقة الحرية
Fourth Response Paper
Aisha Hamad امرأة من عصرنا
Bahia Busbait امرأة على فوهة بركان
Third Phase Novel 2000-Present
Mahmoud Trawri:  ميمونة or Maymoonah
Alwan Alsuhaymi:  القار or The Tar
Leila Aljohani: جاهلية  or Days of Ignorance
Abdu Khal:  ترمي بشررor Spewing Sparks
Abdullah Thabit: The 20th Terrorist
Fifth Response Papers
Raja Alem: طوق الحمام  or The Doves' Necklace
Umaima Alkhamis: مسرى الغرانيق في مدن العقيق
11 Mohammed Hussan Alwan: موت صغير or Small Death
Yousef Almohamaid: الحمام لا يطير في بريدة   or Where Pigeons Don't Fly
12 Saad Aldosari : الرياض نوفمبر 90
Aziz Dia حياتي مع الجوع والحب والحرب (الجز الأول)
Annotated Bib is due on LMS
Hussain Abdullah Suraj: الظالم نفسه
Ahmed Alsebai فتح مكة
Fahad Redah الفنار and لعبة الكراسي
Abdullah Bogis المتنبي شاعر العرب
14 Yaser Almadkhali الانتصار أو الموت أو كلاهما
Abbas Hayek المزبلة الفاضلة and ذاكرة صفراء
Samiah Attallah الفستان
Raja Alem ثقوب في الظهر
Final paper is due on LMS
Haifaa Almansour: Wajda (2012) and The Perfect Candidate (2020)
Mahmoud Sabbagh: Barakah Meets Barakah (2016)
Presentations of your final paper. 
ملحقات المادة الدراسية