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الدكتور فهد بن ناصر المجحدي


المشرف على كرسي ابحاث كوفيد 19

كلية العلوم
قسم النبات و الاحياء الدقيقة / مكتب 2ب 49 الدور الثاني كلية العلوم مبنى 5
مقال فى مجلة

Human bocavirus in Saudi Arabia: Molecular epidemiology and Co-infections among children with acute respiratory tract infections during 2014-2016


Molecular epidemiology Acute respiratory tract infections Human bocavirus Co-infections Genotyping

Respiratory tract infections due to a variety of viruses continue to threaten the human population worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Among the responsible viruses, Human Bocavirus (HBoV), a novel discovered virus, causes respiratory tract and gastroenteritis disorders in young children. In Saudi Arabia, data regarding virus molecular epidemiology and evolution and its implication in respiratory tract infection are scarce. In the current study, genetic diversity and circulation pattern of HBoV-1 among hospitalized children due to acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) during two consecutive years were charted. We found that 3.44% (2014/2015) and 11.25% (2015/2016) of children hospitalized due to ARTI were infected by HBoV-1. We have shown that HBoV was detected year-round without a marked seasonal peak. HBoV-1 also was co-detected with one or multiple other respiratory viruses. The multisequence analysis showed high sequence identity (∼99%) (few point mutation sites) between strains of each genotype and high sequence variation (∼79%) between HBoV-1 and the other 3 genotypes. Phylogenetic analysis showed the clustering of the study's isolates in the HBoV-1 subclade. Our data reveal that genetically conserved HBoV-1 was circulating among admitted children during the course of the study. Further epidemiological and molecular characterization of multiple HBoV-1 strains for different years and from all regions of Saudi Arabia are required to understand and monitor the virus evolution.

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مزيد من المنشورات

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تم النشر فى:
Virus Genes


بواسطة Ali N. Alhafufi, Samy Kasem, Fahad N. Almajhdi, Hassan A. Albaqshi, Fanan A. Alaql, Ehab A. Rihan, Ehab M. Abd-Allah, Ameen A. Alyousaf, Yahya K. Aljasem, Najwa D. Aljehani, Mohei A. Haridy, Ahmed R. Alhimaidi & Ahmed S. Abdel-Moneim
تم النشر فى:
Virology Journal

Substantial research is currently conducted focusing on the development of promising antiviral drugs employing in silico screening and drug repurposing strategies against SARS-CoV-2.

بواسطة Ashis Kumar Goswami , Mourad A. M. Aboul-Soud ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Neelutpal Gogoi , Mohamed El-Shazly , John P. Giesy , Burak Tüzün , Ibrahim M. Aziz , Fahad N. Almajhdi and Hemanta Kumar Sharma