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أ. د. محمود عبد الحميد محمود صالح


قسم التسويق

كلية إدارة الأعمال
مكتب رقم 120 بالدور الثاني
مقال فى مجلة
تم النشر فى:

Brand Co-creation in the Saudi Telecommunication Sector: Antecedents and Consequences from Customer Perspective

Saleh, Mahmoud . 2018


Brand co-creation has been a crucial concept in contemporary marketing. The growing interest in co-creation had its impact on business research efforts as a support mechanism for developing the firm’s brands to meet its customer requirements and enhance the company’s competitive advantage. This research investigates the relationships between customers’ brand co-creation and its antecedents (brand engagement, brand self-congruity, and brand involvement) and consequences (brand value and brand loyalty). A sample of 428 participants was selected from the three telecommunication firms’ customers in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Telecommunication Company (STC), Mobily, and Zain are the surveyed brands. SEM-AMOS was used to test the study hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that customers who are engaged, involved, and selfcongruent with the brands have increased their effectiveness in brand co-creation activities. Moreover, their participation in brand co-creation enhanced their perception about the brand value and made them more loyal to the brands.  

نوع عمل المنشور
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
Journal of Economics, Management and Trade
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