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أ. د. محمود عبد الحميد محمود صالح


قسم التسويق

كلية إدارة الأعمال
مكتب رقم 120 بالدور الثاني
مادة دراسية

MKT302 - Marketing Research

This course is the introductory marketing research course for business majors and other interested students attending at King Saud University. The course will enable students to learn fundamental concepts in Marketing Research (MR). Data sourcing and collection being the major task of MR, students can get to know types of data sources, data collection methods and instruments. The heart of the MR is Methodology, which equips with methods and designs to plan and implement and conduct successful experiments in social sciences area. The Analysis part deals with tools to tabulate and process the data. Finally, it will enlighten them of how MR process should be organized in an understandable report format.

ملحقات المادة الدراسية