تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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مي عبدالعزيز ابوملحه

Assistant Professor

Head of the Academic Affairs at the College of Arts

العلوم اﻹنسانية واﻻجتماعية
Building 1, third floor, office no.1
مادة دراسية

ENG 504 Discourse Analysis

MA level 3:
This course will cover topics in Critical Discourse Analysis, identity, power, idiologies & gender. Methods of analyzing spoken and written discourse will be explored.

  • Paltridge, B. (2012). Discourse Analysis: An Introduction (2nd ed.) .UK:Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Fairclough, N. (2015). Language and power (3rd ed.). UK: Routledge.
  • Additional texts:
  • Tannen, D. (1994). Gender and discourse. Oxford University Press.
  • Gee, J. (2014) An introduction to discourse analysis theory and method. UK: Routledge.
ملحقات المادة الدراسية