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مادة دراسية

BMT 227

227 BMT

Course Description:

BMT 227 Introduction to Personal Computing
Definitions. PC block diagram. Introduction to DOS, programming, use of word processing, graphics packages and spreadsheets.

Teaching Sources:

Books or notes:  Computers Are Your Future,  Bill A Daley, 9th Edition, Pearson, 2008.

Extra references: Handouts and instructor's notes

Teaching aids: Computer, data show


Course Syllbus:

Week No. Topics
1 Ch1: Computer Fundemental:Input –Output-Process-Storage

Ch1: Computer Fundemental:The Information Processing Cycle Action

3 Ch1: Type of Computers
4 Ch4: System Software
5 Ch4: System Software
6 Ch4: System Software
7 1st mid term
8 Ch4: System Software
9 Ch6: Inside the System Unit: Exploring popular operating system
10 Ch6: Inside the System Unit: Exploring popular operating system
11 2ed mid term
12 Ch10: Database: Exploring popular operating system
13 Revision


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