Lutz Ackermann studied Chemistry at the University Kiel (Germany), and performed his PhD with Prof. Alois Fürstner at the Max-PlankInstitut für Kohlenforschung (Mülheim/Ruhr, 2001). After a postdoctoral stay at UC Berkeley with Prof. Robert G. Bergman, he initiated his independent research career in 2003 at the Ludwig Maximilians-University München. In 2007, he became Full Professor (W3) at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. His recent awards and distinctions include an AstraZeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award (2011), an ERC Consolidator Grant (2012), a Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Preis (2017) and an ERC Advanced Grant (2021). The development and application of novel concepts for sustainable catalysis constitutes his major current research interests, with a topical focus on electrocatalysis and bond activation.